July 30, 2012


It's been an incredibly long time since I've updated my blog. So much has happened and so much is in the works.

First off, things with X have been insane. I've learned a lot about myself and grown a lot. I feel like I've made some changes for the better about my life. X makes me feel empowered to make decisions on my own because they positively affect me, not because they are slightly beneficial for me but mostly benefit others. I mean, this is my 20s. This is the time to think about myself and do things that I want to do, regardless of how it effects others. I don't own any pets or have any children. I rent my apartment and I'm not married. Absolutely nothing is tying me down and I couldn't be more smitten. I mean, I'm not monster. I don't see myself making decisions to purposely hurt others. But for now, I'm putting myself first and enjoying it.

Second, I'm sure no one noticed it because I'm sure that the 15 people that are still subscribed to this blog are aware: I'm moving in with X next month. He and I are incredibly excited. I've already started to move my stuff in but in about a month or so, I'll be moving furniture. This is a big step for the two of us. He's only lived with one other boyfriend before and I never have. We've also never introduced our boyfriends to our parents and so far, both sets love the other. My mom said, "He's so cute!" And that, my friends, was a direct quote.
It's hard to explain, really, how much it means to have my parents approve of X. They've never really met boys that I've dated. At least not with the knowledge that I was dating them at the time. And to have them approve right off the bat is greatly relieving and reassuring.

Third, things are not great between S. We aren't really friends right now because of some things going on between us. I'm patiently trying to give her the space she asked for. I'm going to stop there because honestly, it's not right for me to air out my problems like that in a forum this public. But know that I have full faith things will return to the way they were and that this isn't the end of S and I.

I started a new job. I work in the production office of a landscaping company. I like to preface my place of employment so that it's clear I'm sitting behind a desk and not out in the field maintaining people's lawns. I love it. I really do. It's just the right amount of stress and humor. The people are nice for the most part but it's really my job to put out fires anyway so dealing with upset people is in the job description. The pay is REALLY nice and helping me pay back a lot of my debt. I've made a list of all the things I want to buy once I've paid all my debt off. The list includes things like a scooter, a new bike since mine was stolen not two weeks after I bought it, new TOMS, a new computer, etc.

R, my pregnant friend, is due any day now. James will be the name of her son and we all couldn't be more excited about the fact that it's almost his birthday. Nowadays, the first thing I do when I wake up is check my phone and make sure I don't have a missed text saying that the baby is coming. I am incredibly excited!!

Things are going pretty nice here, down south. The summer is brutal but there's nothing us Texans can do about that. With almost two weeks of nothing but rain, we're now into the long stretch of the summer where it's just day after day of intense heat. The rest of the country is experiencing a heat wave (or just recently did) and were complaining about having several days in the 90s and low 100s but to Texas, that's just called a Tuesday....psh. Suckers.