January 2, 2012

Day 2

Today's desk:

Today's completed challenge:

I'm not really sure what it is that I love the most about giraffes. I feel like they're under appreciated. Also, they're incredibly tall and I kind of wish that I was that tall. I'd love to see that far. I love their black tongues and their spots and the fact that they only eat leaves and grass.

So my challenge today was inspired by two things: WordWorld which is a show that my nephew watches constantly and I find very intrigued by and, of course, my favorite animal the giraffe. First let's talk about this show. So basically it's a show full of cartoon animals where everything is made up of the letters from it's name, like my giraffe up there. It's pretty cool. I'd show you a picture of the show but I don't want you guys to be any more disappointed with my drawing than you already are soo....yeah. Screw you. I AM AN ARTIST! But yeah, it's a pretty interesting show. Things no longer hold their shape when you separate the letters. It makes me wonder what would happen if you separate the letters of the characters...would they die or just be temporarily not there? I feel like there was a show or two where a character's letters fell apart but I'm not really sure what happened. I should record that show on my DVR to see if I can find an episode where that happens. I really shouldn't record it, actually. 1) Our DVR is already full of everything and 2) my roommate already thinks I'm the weirdest person alive. She doesn't need any more reasons.

Potential memoir title? My Roommate S. I feel like I'll end up writing several books about various parts of my life...at least I hope so. Is it painfully clear that I want to be David Sedaris or Augusten Burroughs? I try not to be obnoxious about it but it's true. Does any other writer sit around and think of book titles? Sometimes it's just something I see or something I hear. Sometimes it's just a thought that comes into my head. And I just imagine the book cover with my pen name...the font. My picture on the inside of the jacket. I see it all. I see myself as a published author. I just need the book to come out. You know what hinders the book coming out? When I get thrown off of my groove. Nothing drives me more crazy that being in the flow and thinking that I'm funny and I have so much to say and words are flying onto the page, and someone asks me a question or demands my attention and then all of the sudden...everything is silent. My brain shuts down and stops allowing thoughts and ideas to flow freely from my brain to my fingers. Oh man, that drives me nuts. I don't get frustrated when they interrupt me. They can't help it. They're unaware that it stops me completely. No, I get frustrated with myself because I should be able to get right back to where I was, pick up where I left off and continue on in whatever I was doing. And sometimes I can and sometimes I can't. It's those times that I can't that frustrate me.

So giraffes....what the hell? No one likes giraffes...I mean, they are cute. And I do have this awesome giraffe mug that has this cartoon giraffe that's friends with a monkey and they're both just so happy to be there. It's great. You can see it on my desk in the picture. By the chair. Left. Up. There it is. Giraffe mug! Yeah! But I feel like no one else likes giraffes. That shouldn't be a reason to name an animal as your favorite. I mean, what if someone said cockroaches were their favorite animal? You'd think they were a lunatic and never talk to them again. You'd imagine their home, covered in fake cockroaches. Cockroaches on the bedding, on the towels in the guest bathroom, imprinted on ever cup, plate and bowl, fake ones sitting out, dancing with each other. But how would you know which one's were real and which one's were fake?! What if the cockroaches in her house got really smart and figured out that if they're seen and they just stand really, really still, they would survive. You would never know when you're sitting on her couch and look over to the bookshelf and see a picture frame and you think, "Aw, what a sweet picture frame! It's her holding her pet cockroach and there's a cockroach on the frame! It's so life like. Is it real? No. It's not moving...wait, did it just move? Oh god, I'm not sure if it's real or not."

Anyway, can you spot the giraffe drawing on my desk? I'm thinking I'm going to try and do more of my challenges on my desk. I kind of regret not putting my hand on the desk. I think that'd be cool. And I think I have an even better idea for it...Maybe tomorrow I'll post a bonus picture of my hand on my desk.

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