February 14, 2011

My Best Friend, part 1

There are a lot of things to tell about my best friend, S. She's....a character. And I honestly mean that in the best way possible. There's not a single thing about her that I want to change. And she might hate me for telling these stories about her but they're the things that make me love her 100 times over.

One of the most notable things about S, is sometimes she has night terrors. And I don't mean the "wakes up, startled and a little freaked out" kind of terrors. I mean the "wakes up screaming bloody murder, neighbor's call the cops" kind of way. I have yet to experience this but it's always in the back of my mind as I'm slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Will tonight be the night that I wake up to her terrified screaming? What will I do? Call the cops? Ignore her? Shake her until she wakes up?"

I often find myself thinking about her, considering her feelings and life when I make decisions for myself. Not only with big ideas like "should I finish my degree?" or "should I move out of my parents house?" but with the little things too. Last Valentine's day, she bought me a box of chocolates. It was a really sweet gesture; she knows I like candy and wanted to get me something for the holiday. But as I sat on my bed and opened the box, I read the top and considered "which ones will she like best?" They were my chocolates! She gave them to me! I didn't have to share them but I knew that I would end up doing so anyway. And furthermore, instead of eating the ones that sounded best to me, I was willing to sacrifice them on the chance that she might want them. It seemed silly but I did it anyway.

I guess that's just what 5 years of friendship does to a person.

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