October 18, 2010

Your non-pants make me vomit

I don't know how often I can say this...


They never were pants. They never will be pants. Leggings are NOT pants.

Now, I understand, from a style point of view, how leggings can be cute when worn under a skirt, or perhaps some shorts. But if you're just wearing a t-shirt and leggings, you should know that you're making me want to vomit all over you. And not just regular vomit; projectile, yellow and green with a little bit of blood mixed in kind of vomit.

I mean look...

Look how fat her thighs look. WHO WANTS THAT? No one. It looks like she's trying to smuggle out two Christmas hams from CostCo. Problem.

My rule with an outfit with leggings is this: if you can wear the outfit out in public WITHOUT leggings, then it's fine to wear the leggings. But dear readers, let's be quite honest with ourselves. It's time for a reality check...

This is what you think you look like in your leggings (or worse, jeggings...*vomits*)

This is what you actually look like....

Yup. That's what you actually look like. I don't care if you're 90 lbs or 390 lbs, this is what your ass looks like in leggings. Do you see why you need to cover up parts of your body when you wear leggings? Yeah. Glad you see the light.

So before you reach for that new pair of...*holds back vomit* jeggings, make sure you're also reaching for an extra long shirt and a belt, or a skirt or something because we're all tired of seeing your fat ass packed into those things tighter than a bratwurst.



  1. Similar oral reaction to the once unexpected speed-bump, I observe. Where's my Freud for Dummies?
