March 2, 2011

Dream day

I was late for my bus because I was intent on finishing the movie I was watching. It wasn't even all that good: Alyssa milano was torn between to guys, an ad executive and a writer. She ended up choosing the writer....okay, I loved the movie but that's neither here not there. The point is, I was late. As I left my apartment complex, I saw the bus pull up to my stop and pause.

"oh thank GOD someone needed to get on." I thought and ran for it. I barely made it, taking my own life in my hands and running in front of the bus before it could pull away. When the driver opened the door, I saw a large black woman in jeans, cowboy boots and a black western shirt, the kind with lassos embroidered on the chest. I reeled back. Where was my usual bus driver? The sweet old man with salt and pepper hair that always smiled and greeted me good morning? The woman just looked me up and down and asked, "well? On or off baby because I ain't got time to wait on your skinny butt." was this the right bus? Did I run to the wrong corner? Where was I? I double checked the bus number and tentatively got on. I dropped my quarters in the machine and muttered an apology for no reason.

At my transfer stop, I had to run again which was unusual. Typically my buses are at least ten minutes apart giving me ample time to walk casually to my stop a block away. But not today. I ran quickly and luckily the bus was stopped at a red light. I gently tapped on the door and the driver, a thin, greasy looking man just stared at me.
"can I get on, please?" I begged through the glass. With a huff, he opened the door. He too wasn't wearing the typical uniform of firmly pressed black slacks and a starched white shirt. He wore a pair of sweatpants, a plain gray tshirt with a bright blue windbreaker. Was today real? Or was I still sleeping in my soft bed back in my apartment? Was I late for work? Why didn't my alarm go off? Everything seemed real but just a little off, just enough to make me question the truth of the situation.

I was staring out the window trying to figure out if I was awake or asleep when I saw a man walking down the street. His wore his jeans down low on his hips, not in a stylish way but in a "these pants are four sizes too big" kind of way. He didn't have any shoes on but he WAS wearing a pair of bright pink polka dot boxers and had curiously taken off his shirt and draped it over his right shoulder. It was a nice day out so I suppose I could understand the want to remove as much clothing as possible and let the light breeze come over your chest and make your nipples go hard with pleasure. I could also understand the need for pants that fit and shoes. Today was definitely a dream day. Freaks.

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