March 2, 2011


One of my favorite things to do us eat mono chromatically. And one of my favorite colors to eat is orange. There are a million foods that are orange in color and no one ever notices. But only the best ones cone covered in some sort of sugar or fake cheese product.

After a pretty lucrative day at work, I walked across the street to the convenience store and picked out a snack: Cheetos, orange soda, and orange slices. I was elated. Not only had it cost me less than four dollars but now I had reason to skip lunch and eat a late dinner with my roommate, S.

When I left the store, my orange meal in hand, I spied a particularly attractive hipster sitting on the bench at my stop. Ashamed, I shoved my food into my bag, slid my green plastic sunglasses over my exhausted eyes an did my best to look cool. He had long, unkempt hair that barely touched his shoulders. His bright orange shirt displayed some band I had never heard of but the best part was his skin tight black jeans. It was all I could do to keep from sitting uncomfortably close to him and stare openly. I couldn't help but make the correlation that he was wearing an orange shirt and the fact that I loved to eat orange things all the time.

He got on the bus that came before mine and it was as he stood that I noticed his many flaws. He was about a foot and a half shorter than me and as if to mock his deformity, his apparent skin tight jeans were only skin tight because he had been sitting on the folds of fabric. Now they hung loosely from his hips like giant cylinders ha replaced his legs. As he waited to board the bus, his now extremely baggy pants billowed in the breeze. His face underwent a complete transformation going from smooth and impeccable to a face covered in blackheads and dirt. I was astonished at how quickly he had become unattractive. And also how shallow I was being. But I didn't really care; I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection of a bus window and saw how stylish and cool I looked and I knew: I'm a hottie and he's not so it's my job to judge him.


  1. I liked this one. Favorite line :I couldn't help but make the correlation that he was wearing an orange shirt and the fact that I loved to eat orange things all the time."

    Keep them coming ;)

  2. This is amazing Kaleb. A moment in time, maybe 5-10 minutes. Yet very vivid and descriptive. Your orange meal and the detail of what you bought to eat and how you did it. The mere mention of something that most think nothing of and bring it to life and view. Across the street to the bus stop and correlation of the orange shirt the hot guy was wearing and your orangemeal that you in a moment of insecurity tuck into your bag. The contrast of green to orange as you hide behind your sunglasses and admire in secret. You notice all the good in this hot guy and the things you desire. The sexual desires brought unconciously to the surface in the desire to eat all things orange and hot guy wearing an orange shirt.
    Then the tables turn. He stands and like night from day, you notice all the bad, the flaws in hot guy. He being short and the baggy jeans suggest his look to be somewhat on the fat side. The baggy jeans looking like cylinders to replace his legs. This gives the thinking that dis-associates him as being human maybe. The imperfections in his face and features change the tone from you being insecure to being one of confindence and asurity in who you are. From the start as a carefree individual going about the mundane tasks that we all do, then an encounter that alters your perspective. You feel insecure in the presence of this person. Then the perspective changes and the juxtaposition of the beauty and the ugly are made known. You then feel the confidence and beauty within yourself as you catch a glimpse of yourself in the window. And the circle goes 360.
    That is what I saw and read in this small, well written and most amazing post of a simple mundane moment in time.

  3. Hello. I sub to your Youtube channel and saw the video about reading your blog. I've just started reading it - I've yet to know you as a person to better understand your writing. Keep them coming!
