June 2, 2011


I'll be the first to admit that I hold grudges sometimes. Usually it's irrational and childish but I'll cling to that grudge like it's the last cashmere scarf at a Bloomingdale's sale. I really will. And as I'm writing this, all the grudges I have had (and some I still do) are flooding into consciousness. One of the more trivial grudges is the one I hold against all Broadway dancers on So You Think You Can Dance. I still maintain that Evan not only should have won his season but is and always will be the best Broadway dancer the show has ever seen. All others can exit stage left with the other haters, thank you.

But the biggest grudge I hold and have held on to is one against a politically conservative person. And before I go into this rant, I want to say that I understand not all conservatives are like this and that I even have a few conservative friends  and coworkers that are very dear to me (they're hard to avoid in Texas.) BUT for the sake of argument and because the type of people I'm talking about like to lump all homosexuals together, I will be doing the same thing to them.

I'm getting ahead of myself. My roommate, S, works in an office with many many conservatives. Today one of them was distraught over the fact that she had to put down one of her horses because he's old. S texted me that she was resisting the urge to make jokes about glue and jello. And I couldn't help but wonder why? Sure, she's upset but why should I spare her feelings? Did conservatives spare my feelings when I wanted to go to high school and kiss my boyfriend before we went to class? No, we got the shit kicked out of us. Did the conservatives spare my feelings when I wrote an article about being sexually attacked at a party by another man? No, they made me change the narrative to a woman's perspective. This is what I'm talking about. The double standard. And I don't mean the political double standard (because that's a post of a different color.) I'm talking about the emotional double standard. Conservatives want to protect their children from being "brainwashed" by the "homosexual agenda." But in reality they're just teaching their heterosexual children about intolerance and their homosexual children to be ashamed of something they can't control. There's a reason why homosexual teens are the leading demographic in teen suicide in the United States. So in short, no, conservatives. I will not spare your feelings and I will attack you where it hurts. Because I'm hurt. And I'm not sure if I'll ever get over it.

Okay, readers, I want all of you to know that in my rant I was speaking to a very specific type of person. There are THOUSANDS of sympathetic conservatives out there that see the double standard and genuinely want to work to change it. The world isn't full of monsters and you don't have to be afraid of everyone that says, "I vote republican." They're not all bad. Alright? So don't live in fear. And to my younger readers, don't let my rant jade you. Leave your mind open and do your best to accept everyone and find the good in them. There IS good in everyone.

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