November 23, 2010

A few of my favorite things...

So today sucked. Like...worse than any other sucky day I've ever had. That's not to say that today was the WORST day of my life, that'd be pathetic and extreme. No. But of all the sucky days I've had, this one sucked the worst.

So to put myself in a better mood, I'm going to list a few of my favorite things:

- kissing boys (surprisingly, I like this more than sex with boys.)
- social networking
- reading a classic novel
- laughing
- the sound of my typewriter
- making desserts with my mother
- watching television with my best friend
- sleeping with my head on someone's lap
- tying my shoelaces
- clean sheets
- going to the movies
- buying books
- eating candy
- catching up with old friends
- lying to strangers on planes (I might have to do a separate blog post about this one.)
- holding my nephew
- blue pens (as opposed to black pens)
- watching the leaves filter the sunlight
- snow
- my stuffed bear
- wrapping presents
- Christmas lights
- coffee with milk and sugar
- British accents
- the color green
- simply existing in the same room as someone that I love

What are some of your favorite things?


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