November 3, 2010


So Wednesday has got to be the absolutely worst day of the week.

No one EVER likes Wednesday. Never will you hear "OH MAN! IT'S WEDNESDAY?! THANK GOD!" It's more like to happen like this:

Me: "What day is it?"
You: "Wednesday."

Nothing is good about Wednesdays. Nothing good comes on television, it's ONLY the middle of the week (which means you still have two more days to suffer through before the weekend,) It feels like the longest day because you're tired from Monday and Tuesday and you still have the work from Thursday and Friday to look forward to. And let's be serious, who really looks forward to work? Not anybody, ever. And if you tell me that you look forward to work because you love your job, get ready because I'm gonna punch you in the kidney. I have a hard time believing that someone would rather work than sit around and not have any obligations, no matter how much you love your job.

The best thing we can do about Wednesdays (except abolishing them worldwide) is hunker-down, do whatever it is we have to do, and pray for Thursday to be in a hurry.

Fuck you, Wednesay, fuck you.



  1. try watching modern family. it makes wednesdays worth it.
