November 8, 2010

The gym

Ironically, of all the places in the world to spend my time, the last place I want to go is the gym. It's not that I'm lazy, I'm really not. But working out puts me in a bad mood. Always. Every time. Without fail.

It took me many a work out to decide what it was that put me in a bad mood every time I worked out. And eventually I figured it out: I think too much. Like when I do most mindless activities, and yes working out is mindless because of it's repetition, I tend to let my mind wander and think through things. Usually, this is a delightful break from ignoring my problems to deal with them later. But when I'm working out, I tend to think about all of the problems in my life: work, my lack of a boyfriend, my choice to leave school, a fight I had with my best friend, etc. And nearly every time, I never come up with a solution. So I complete my workout, without figuring out any solutions only to dwell on my problems for hours later.

So, instead of feeling rejuvenated and all of the pleasant endorphins that I'm supposed to feel, I am sweaty and frustrated, a combination no one wants.

I've tried numerous things to try and change my mindset while working out. I listen to upbeat, peppy, motivating music. I try smiling throughout my workout. I even tried attacking the entire situation with a positive attitude.

But without fail, my mind wanders to the problems of my life and puts me in the worst mood possible. I simply cannot explain it. Soon, I'll try completing the Couch to 5K workout regime. I'll try to employ all of my tricks and tomfoolery to keep myself in a good mood. And I'm hoping that doing this won't make me hate my favorite music. So here's to not hating something that everyone loves doing.


1 comment:

  1. maybe try yoga. i practice at a bikram studio. Its set in 100-115 F room, so you're mainly focusing on surviving the heat, strength and stretching and they talk you through to clear your mind and not dwell on anything else besides your breath and just being. its tough, but its a complete workout for sure.
